
Monday, August 24, 2009


I am still here, just really really busy! The wedding is only 11 days away now, so I have alot of details I am working on...the decorating has to wait for the tent, but I am trying to have everything ready to go. Kayla and Andrew just finished their last session of premarital counseling with Pastor Eric and Amy. Programs are being printed, music readied, rehersal reminder postcards were mailed today, I continue to weed and water. Today was absolutely beautiful, so I worked outside all afternoon. I changed one of my garden paths to pea rock because it kept producing thistles. I also planted some new flowers down by our milkhouse. I have been meaning to do it all summer, so I can cross another thing off of the list!!

Our caterer visited the farm on Sunday afternoon and we got all the details worked out with the food. Wow! Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!

Please pray with us for the weather to be beautiful and for all to go smoothly. We are up to 275 guests...That is a BIG party! What was I thinking? LOL!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Beauty in Faith

I was told recently of someone who doesn't believe in God.

I have been pondering this alot in my gardening time.

I wonder...If I didn't believe, where would I find joy? Where would I find peace? Where would I find the value of beauty? Where would I find the answer to my longings? Why would I want to live? Would anything have real value? To only have temporary pleasures just looks so hopeless. Meaningless.When I think about it.

Where would I go when I have need of help or direction in parenting?

Where would I go when I find out my best friend has lymes disease and is suffering?

Where would I go when a relationship is broken?

Where would I go when I have fear, or anger, or condemnation?

Where would I go when I hurt?

Where would I go when I am being slandered or forgotten?

More importantly,

Where would I go when I am so joyful I could just burst and I need to praise?

Where would I go when I see something beautiful and I have a need to praise?

Where would I go when I listen to music that moves my heart, and I need to praise?

Where would I go if I didn't believe He was here. Near. Always. Ever Present.

In my pondering, I have come to the conclusion that everything outside of Him is useless, unfulfilling and empty. Void. Darkness.

He makes everything beautiful! He gives life! He is light! He is wisdom! He is protection! He is provider! He is comforter! He is healer! He is a constant companion...

Peace, Power, Protection, Provider Passionate, Present always... What would I do if i didn't believe in God? I think I might have shriveled up. Praise God and believe Him! He loves you! Oh how He loves you!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Life Filled With Majors

I have been a bit overwhelmed the past few weeks. I get silent instead of talking it out, which isn't healthy...I have learned that from experience. Not only do we have a wedding in our yard in a month, but in the midst of planning, my dear husband and I had a day away (sometime in May) and during our time together we talked of selling our home.

Yes, we have a wedding coming up, but we can work around that.

Never imagined life with two major events going on at the same time. On top of which my D.H. has been working out of town for 8 weeks, and Ethan will be a senior this year so we have to do the college visit thing...

Nor did I imagine that I would have a bad cold in the summer combined with poison ivy on most of one half of my face, and on a finger...But... THAT was my life the last week or more. The FOR SALE sign went up, I had all those things, and we are down to the 5 week mark for the wedding.

I am finding that even after all the careful planning in the beginning, there is so much more that I "shelfed" while working on the yard (is shelfed a word?)...This final phase is invitations, planning the order of the day, the service, getting final clothing things together...fittings, shopping, calling, decision, photos, showers, etc. Then there is the layout of the reception, decorations finalized, rsvp's to collect and count, I wont tell you how many lists I have. Too many!

In the midst of it all, there is the place of quiet peace where I can go and "cast all my anxieties" remembering who owns the day...all the days...all my days... Why should I worry? Why should I fear (missing or forgetting something)? I have a God who "leads me with His right hand" and leads me where He wants me to be.

Ah, there is always that quiet place of rest.

Psalm 139:10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.