
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord

Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him. Psalm 33:1

Did you ever notice that everything that is growing and alive is reaching toward heaven? Maybe you never thought about it, but if you drive around the upper midwest in the winter, there isn't alot to see along the interstate except trees with no leaves and unending fields. When I looked at the trees, and then the dead weeds laying down and going back into the earth, it struck me that everything growing praises the Lord while everything dying goes back into the earth.

Seeing the trees reach toward the sky, I reflected on raised hands. Many times in scripture God's people raised their hands toward heaven as a gesture of dependence. "We need you, Daddy!!" When I was first saved, I asked my mom about raising hands, she said it is like a little child wanting to be picked up. I could relate to that. I was inhibited and afraid to do it until I saw a clip from a concert on TV and all the girls in the front rows were raising their hands. The Lord spoke to me and impressed upon me that if they could do that towards a mere man, how could I do any less for my Savior? I have been raising my hands ever since.

One of the Hebrew words for praise in the Psalms is Yadah, which is praising with hands raised.
Raising of hands is a universal sign of surrender. Gen 29:35 is the first time in scripture that Yadah is used. Leah began to extend and recieve all her love from the Lord at the time of Judah's birth. It is extravagant praise with all our emotions.

Intresting to note that when asked, a chiropractor stated the benefits of raising hands are opening of the diaphram to increase oxygen (freedom) and loosens up a stiff neck. Hmmm... Lets all Yadah the Lord!!


  1. This is wonderful Kathy! I never thought about the correlation between growth extending upward and our praises rising! I love to raise my hands because it is a physical expression of lifting Him higher. My 6 year old stands next to me in church and imitates me - which is truly precious since only about 10% of the people in our church are hand-lifters!

  2. Sweet, Heather. The inhibition of children is precious. I used to be one of only two or three in church raising my hands, and now as I sing on worship team and look out over the congregation I am blessed that alot of hands are raised high.

  3. Beautiful insight Kathy! I love looking at God through the small details of life. What truth there is in living things reaching towards heaven.

    I also love looking at the original language like you did. It provides so much more insight than our simple English can sometimes.

    This is my first visit to your blog. I'm a regular reader over at All You Have to Give and found you that way. I love the spiritual depth you have!!

  4. Thank you for leaving your link at my site..
    I have never visited here before and It's nice to stop in and meet you...
    I love the husband had finished our basement himself and you are right, it really parallels the unfinished work of who we are...

    I LOVED what the chiropractor said...
    I will raise my hands with you!

  5. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. i am a sponge trying to soak up as much of the lord and his word as i can. i will definitely look into Praying God's Word. thanks again :)

  6. Did I say inhibition???I meant uninhibited freedom.
    Duh. Sorry about the confusion in the reply to Heather!!


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