
Thursday, November 27, 2008

An Age Old Lesson

I have been battling a grumbling spirit, yes. And right before THANKSGIVING...and I admit, a few times he has won. I have failed to resist. It squares with my old nature, part of which I am still in need of giving a crucifixion-daily.

As one can see in the book of Exodus, as Moses was leading the Israelites out of Egypt to the promised land, once grumbling started, all hell broke loose-the enemy had a foothold, I mean. Faith ended and idolatry began...think the golden calf, the quail, the bitter water...

So what happens to me or you when we grumble? The darkness begins to get the upper hand. The cloud sets in. I find myself growing more negative if I allow it. I used to think I was a victim of my thoughts. One day the Lord showed me differently. He made it clear that it was a choice I made, that I had control - by yielding my will to His Spirit-it's called obedience. I also can choose my focus. How do I see things? Through the lens of "poor me" or the other one "He is faithful". I need to check my pronouns in my thought life-are they me or He???

Be joyful ALWAYS, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. REMIND ME LORD! HELP ME!

Tonight we had a lovely Thanksgiving service @ church, highlighting being thankful, and how it accompanies joy. We lose joy if we are not grateful. I spend alot of time praising and thanking God, but when I get busy, too busy...too busy because I have over-extended myself saying "yes" to too many things (and that during the hormone crisis of the month), I end up having the struggle w/ "grumpy-spirit". I praise God that He has given me everything I need to resist the devil and make him flee. I praise Him that by His Spirit, I can take the thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. And I thank Him for His loving kindness that leads me to repentance when I cave to "grumpy-spirit". I thank Him that my Jesus' blood covers my sin once again. Grace.

When we are weak, He is strong.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Kathy! I hope you have a blessed day with your family!

  2. I too have had to repent repent repent....many times. Yes, thankful for grace and mercy.

    Hugs to you!


Thank you for sharing your heart with me...