
Friday, May 4, 2012

Pondering the Wanderings and Being Still

It's been a "still" few weeks for me here at the blog 
with other things pressing, and imposing, 
but thought I would jump in with Sandy for

~Flight to Florida~
Driving home to Wisconsin. 
My husband has completed his five month job stay!
 Sunrise from our bedroom in Asheville, NC
 God's glorious brushstrokes compel my camera
while driving. {rolls down window & extends left hand}
Beauty in the rear view...
May you enjoy your comings and your goings 
this weekend!
And remember...
You are loved by God!


  1. Lovely thoughts and photos. I live in Florida {where were you here?} and I'll be flying up to Asheville two weeks from today.

    Have a lovely pondering, wandering, still weekend, Kathy.

  2. Hello, my first time to visit your site-- coming from Still Saturday. (I live in WI too-- on the Eastern side). Have a blessed weekend!

  3. His glorious brush strokes are in all our comings and goings, fronts, backs, ups, and downs. Thanks for these, Kathy.

  4. Welcome Home! Just in time for a beautiful Wisconsin rebirth into spring. :) May the beauty beckon your camera as the color calls to your soul.

  5. Coming over from Still the open sky on the open road adventure!


Thank you for sharing your heart with me...