
Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Strange Thought Or A Divine Promise?

One day. Not so long ago while I was praying, I heard the Lord say, "I'm going to take you up on a hill, high and holy." ...I know, that is exactly what I thought..."who talks like that?" What kind of imagination must I have?" So I told a friend just in case, you came true! He could have said, I'm going to take you to a high mountain, or a high hill, but  "a hill, high and holy"???
(That one day was before I knew my husband was going to be working in Spion Kop, MT)

Since that day, I have been on the "lookout" for this day...or rather last night. Last night we drove up this county road to the peak of a mountain. From the photos, it seems like more of a hill, but for the life of me, I cannot get photos that look like the real thing. 
We sat from 9:11pm until the sun set about 20 minutes 
later and with a panoramic view, we watched in silence 
with a few, "Oh my!"s. 

On our way down it occurred to me that if Dale hadn't been on this job building wind turbines, we NEVER would have made our way to this place! It isn't commercialized like the National Parks. Not crawling with gawkers like us. It is just a high mountain, with a gravel road and old buildings and wild lupine and majestic sunsets. 

Hence, the holy seems to fit this description. That 'one day', this 'day'... (or rather yesterday).

Synonyms for holy: blessed, chaste, clean, consecrated, dedicated, devoted, devotional, devout, divine, faithful, faultless, glorified, god-fearing, godlike, godly, good, hallowed, humble, innocent, perfect, pietistic, pious, prayerful, pure, reverent, saintlike, sanctified, spotless, sublime, uncorrupt, undefiled, untainted.

 Check out the bird on the post. He stayed there for several photos!

Could it be that word you heard really was from God? Maybe you are waiting for it to come to pass. Keep watching, wait in expectation for Him to deliver on His word. He's perfect like that. One day...may be tomorrow.

Then they believed his promises

    and sang his praise.

Psalm 106:12

1 comment:

Thank you for sharing your heart with me...