
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Adventures on the Road to Somewhere

The smoky-blue papered walls provided a rich backdrop for the framed black-and-white photos of days gone by. The mirrored walls reflected the suit-and-tie businessmen dining next to us, and the four gracefully aged ladies with their glasses of white zin. 

The ceilings were draped with heavy fabric of the same hue as the wallpaper and buttoned in the center reminding me of Pollyanna-day pageantry.

I felt like I was 14 again, pretending to be of a different society. One from the past, yes. But also one ‘above’ my middle-class farm girl existence (which I love-mind you!).

I looked across the table at my husband, his denim shirt with the Doran logo on his left pocket. He looks handsome in blue. His now-sparkling hair with only hints of pepper remaining and his blue eyes stand out against the denim.

I had that feeling you get when you are watching one of those movies. You know, like, You Got Mail? And it all comes together in that one moment when Tom Hanks comes over the bridge calling after Brinkley (the dog) and there is Meg Ryan. Their eyes lock. THAT moment. And I let out a breath.

What is that feeling? Satisfaction? Joy? Wonder? All three encapsulated in a moment. Yes.

He and I have been in a season of waiting for a while now. He works away from home; I keep up our now nearly empty hobby farm in hopes of selling so I can be with him more.  Then I sneak away for a week or so to wherever he happens to be working. Currently in Bismarck, ND.

The front and backside of traveling for me can be grueling. Making sure I stop the mail, pay the bills, secure a lawn care specialist or one to plow the snow, whichever the case may be. (His name is Tuffy, we will see how it looks when I get home!) Then getting the undone things done upon returning...

It has been hard. But it has also been really, really good. And sometimes wonderful. In moments like this one, dining in mid-day in my little version of Storyland. I let out a breath. And my heart sings.

God has romanced me. And so has my man. Our relationship has not been this satisfying since before the wedding day. (psst: it will be 30 years in August!) I don’t say that because our marriage has necessarily been hard-though it has had severe bumps. It just seems in the prime of life, after we started our jobs, marriage, and family… life happened! We let ourselves become too busy (I know you know what I am talking about!) and we just often forgot to slow down and look at each other. Much less enjoy one another. 

So now, here we are, living our life in the balance. We both have longings and hopes and dreams on our radar, but we need things to happen first. And so we continue to wait, to pray, to listen for the Lord and rest in His timing. We realize we are in "school". God's training-time. The Waiting is Preparation.

In the meantime, I anticipate the adventure that awaits 'round the next bend on the road to somewhere, and trusting the process. Anyone want to buy a hobby farm? 

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
Linking up with Jennifer to Tell His Story


  1. Can't speak for you, but as I read your post and thought about how it connects with me, I think we are in the "between" stages of life. Our kids are in the process of leaving, and we are between what we were as a family and where will will be when the nest is completely empty. What roles will we fill?

    That may not be at all what you had in mind writing this, but that is what I thought of. Good post.

  2. Well...where is this hobby farm!?!? Just kidding, but I know about being apart, life happening and being married for 30 years! I just celebrated my 30th 2 weeks ago. And life truly is great now. What a lovely post!

    And the link back to God romancing...Glacier Nat'l Park is on our list of to dos.

    Thank you for stopping by my place.

  3. Warren, exactly!!! We are always in between something aren't we. Just sometimes the canyon is wider and deeper than others. :)


Thank you for sharing your heart with me...