Saturday, October 13, 2007

Contrast Enhances

Finally. A georgeous fall day here in western WI. It is peak week for color, however, most of the maples are leafless due to days on end of rain and wind. So the colors are browns and yellows with very little reds or oranges. What I have learned with all this rain and cloudy days is when the sun finally shines, I am more in awe of the effect it has on everything. The leaves are more intense-even the brown ones are pretty, the sky and the lakes are bluest blues. The sparkling water is awe-inspiring. My spirit soars. I love to be outside. People are more vibrant too.

I love the parallel (I am sure it is very intentional by the Lord) of the sun and the Son...
I think the sun's enhancement of creation on earth to be a shadow of heaven's glory, and it takes my breath away-what colors we have never imagined will be there? What will His radiance shining on heaven's waters be like? What will our eyes be like to take it in??? So...I think earth is the cloud and rain before heaven's splendor. What wondrous things we have to look forward to.

My daughter recently was appreciating a contrast that she has had after a very difficult relationship she was in more than a year ago. It was very painful for all of us. The Lord faithfully walked us through she has a new boyfriend with a very different personality and the contrast makes her appreciate the good things she is experiencing rather than taking them for granted. Talking with her about it made me able to see some of the good that the Lord is working out for her after that difficult time.

I love the Lord's ability to teach and show Himself in our everyday world!! His creation-wondrous. His glory revealed all around. Rejoice with me...Halleluiah


Chocolate and Coffee said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope to get to know you better in blogworld.

Blessings to you!

Kathy Schwanke said...

Thank you, I am just beginning (blogworld), it is fun to meet sisters from all over and see what the Lord is doing!
Blessings back,
