Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Rich in Card~Love...I confess...I save ALL my cards. I have, uh, "saving places" where I keep my cherished cards. It really is living history. Well, Sunday afternoon, I decided to clean out the drawer in my bedside table. It was getting a little full. I couldn't even open it. So I piled up my cards (I do have a few journals in there too) on my kitchen counter and began to browse.

And that is when the thought struck me, I am rich in "card~love"! My heart was warmed to overflowing (my eyes!) as I reminisced. How I cherish these mementos of love from friends and family. The gratitude I felt at the rich gifts that God has blessed me with spilled over.

I realized how much they are pieces of my story. The times I was low and a friend took the time to encourage. The Bible studies I have lead, inspiring cards of love and thanks. But mostly just cherished times spent together. The photo I took of the cards above is a sampling from two friends. One who I am still very close with (Becky~you have made me rich in card~love), and the other one is a past friend. A lost friendship; one that ended. I miss her. PK. We spent many afternoons having coffee. We did some shopping, some praying and some decorating together. Whenever I read her cards over, I remember the good times and I am grateful for them.

When I got to my 40th birthday cards, I recalled that my friends surprised me with a progressive dinner party. Heartwarming memories.

There were anniversary cards & Valentines from my husband and kids. Reading what they wrote over the years, seeing their handwriting... all caused me to dream and give thanks for the days gone by.

After all that "gushing" I did, I'm amazed that I would ever have days of struggling with loneliness when I have such evidence of love, but I do. It's all part of the walk (to quote Steven Curtis Chapman)...since nothing but being in Jesus' presence truly satisfies. I know His presence is available 24/7, but I still fail to abide at times. Daily I spend time reading His love~letter. What a large and continual "card" He has given me. It brings me to tears many times too, as I have written many things in the margins that bring back memories. God has been so good and faithful to me.

I hope you enjoy reminiscing, and think about the value of taking time to love with a card. It's a good week to send reminders of our love. (No, I am not getting paid by Hallmark :-D)

I love you bloggy friends!


A Stone Gatherer said...

I save my cards too! I love looking back over them! I love that you said the Bible is God's love card to us! So true, be in it often!

Joyful said...

Kathy, you are speaking my language! I literally have bins of precious cards received, as well as cards to send (I buy one's I like when I see them, and then I have a supply when the occasion arises).

Whenever I sit down to weed out my cards/letters etc...usually nothing gets thrown away and no work gets accomplished. It's like I'm visiting again with these dear friends who mean the world to me.

The following words really spoke to me, "After all that "gushing" I did, I'm amazed that I would ever have days of struggling with loneliness when I have such evidence of love, but I do. It's all part of the walk (to quote Steven Curtis Chapman)...since nothing but being in Jesus' presence truly satisfies."

It's so true. Only God can fill that emptiness, regardless of my bins of note cards received from special friends.

May He write His "Dear Kathy, I love you" over your life today,

Anonymous said...

Kathy, some of my best cards are from you. My blessed daughter. such joy you are. I save some and then misplace them and find them again. such joy.

love you mom

Tracy said...

I'm like you...I save ALL my cards and I love sitting down with them from time to time reliving those moments. Such encouragement they can bring. I also love sending cards to others as a means of surprising them with a little touch of God's love for their day. You're so right...the Bible is God's greatest love card to us. Truly the most meaningful, ever!

Beautiful post!


P.S. Thank you so much for your kind prayers. I'm doing great, today...almost back to 100%! I was surprised to hear your daughter has been struggling with gall bladder issues, too. I've only recently become aware it can happen to people who are that young!
