Wednesday, October 3, 2012

To Not Ask Is To Suffer Stuff

In John 16: 5-7 Jesus is talking to His disciples about his coming death, He says, but now I am going to him who sent me. None of you asks me, ‘Where are you going?’ Rather, you are filled with grief because I have said these things. But very truly I tell you; it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” Do you see the comfort Jesus is offering to replace their grief? He says, “You will have something better!” This reminds me of a promise in scripture (Romans 8:28)

The disciples were filled with grief because they didn’t ask, “WHY are you leaving us this way?” and here Jesus says, “If you would have asked Me, I would have told you

How often have you and I struggled or fought or tolerated anxiety or grief, when we could have asked Jesus about it and he would have filled us with peace and joy instead?

When our son Ethan was around seven years old, I often felt my husband’s expectations on him were too high. Ethan’s inability to do what his daddy thought he should do resulted in him being the recipient (in my mind) of belittling words. In my fear for his little heart being wounded, I would yell at my husband in front of Ethan because I wanted to intercept the pain. Later, I would feel guilty and fear that by protecting him, I was also running the risk of leading Ethan into disrespecting his dad. I was miserable! Then one day, instead of yelling, I prayed. {a light bulb moment!} The Lord answered by enabling me to address it a different way privately. I said, “I know you do not mean to make Ethan feel small, but when you talk to him like “that” I fear that is what happens in his little heart

And you know what he said? “Wow, I think you are right!” And things changed after that. We were able to talk together instead of fighting. 

~One little prayer, one large change!~

Look at this from a little further down in the passage: John 16:24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

When we ask Him, we find joy in our troubled thoughts and circumstances. It is wonderful to know that His will for us is to have a mind filled with peace and a heart filled with joy, and they are there for the asking!!

I am happy to report that our 20-year-old son not only has a wonderful relationship with his father, and has learned wonderful life-skills, but has also retained respect for him despite those years of me living and reacting by fear. I’m so thankful for God hearing my prayers and for His amazing patience and grace!

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