Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Safe In His Arms of Love

"As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me," declares the LORD, "so will your name and descendants endure. Isaiah 66:22

What a wonderful promise from the Lord for His people. I don't know about you, but seeing the world saturated with information overload, blaring opinions, seven envelopes filled with solicitations for surveys and money arriving in my mailbox daily...
It is refreshing to look to the Lord, and in doing so...find rest.
To gaze on His beauty and majesty, to read His living word and be refreshed in knowledge that He is in control. That it isn't up to me to fill out every survey or give to every good cause that I have come to love...but to sit at His feet and be reminded
that He is the Ark.
The shelter we can enter and find rest for our souls.
It is He that seals the door over us so that the flood wont sweep us away; it wont overtake us.
He is faithful to get us and our children to the Promised Land.
He is our Ever Present Help in trouble.
He is the Rock of our Salvation.
He is the Light that will guide us safely home.
He is our Prince of Peace when war is on the horizon, or raging around us.
He is our Shield and Defender when the enemy attacks us...
through words,
or doubts,
or troubles,
or illness,
or loss.....
What a Mighty God we serve! How glorious that whatever happens here, we are kept safe in the tabernacle of the Living God. That our arrival is already set. We will not be deterred from our destination. We will arrive safely on the shores of our Heavenly home...we and our descendants.


Sande said...

Too right!

Rachel Beran said...

So thankful that we can trust Him and His promises!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

I couldn't agree more; just this morning, I sat in his presence with no words. Just silence; before long, I felt him there with me, and two hearts were intimately connected as one. How I pray to always take the time to sit with God and hear his heart.

Indeed, we are a busy people. Thanks for stopping by today.

Blessings & peace~elaine

Warren Baldwin said...

Amen. So many of the things and institutions in this life disappoint us, over and over again. God will never disappoint. Good reminder.

A Stone Gatherer said...

I have a friend that could so read this post today. She is going through such a rough time and needs this reminder. Thanks Kathy!
