Monday, April 5, 2010


As I attended a meeting with Pastor, Mrs Pastor and a few others to plan our fall focus on prayer a couple years ago, I was aware of the Lord's favor on our pursuit. He wants His house to be a house of prayer!

How I am coming to realize the greatest hindrance to faithful worship, or growth, or victory is prayerlessness. We are so stunted in our understanding of prayer it seems. There is so much to learn at the feet of Jesus. There is so much fulfullment, so much nourishment, such abundance untapped when we fail to come to Him.

I started a book by EM Bounds. The intro states that he rose @ 4am and prayed daily until 7am. Three hours with the Lord every day!! As I read his meditations, I am awed at the depth of his thoughts. His understanding of the grace of prayer is profound. He speaks of the relationship between faith and prayer; trust and prayer; longing, and desire and attentiveness to prayer.

When I think about the victories and the failures in my life and the lives of my loved ones, I can see the result of prayer or prayerlessness. Whenever I hear of or observe a victory, I know, I KNOW that prayer is behind it! Whenever I see a mess, I understand the need to pray.

A story a young woman told at a confrence I attended was of her growing up as a good PK (pastor's kid) and then going off to a Christian college, but becoming entangled with the world. She ended up pregnant and ashamed to tell her parents, so she was going to get an abortion. She was on her way, when she described the Holy Spirit spoke to her and she turned around. Out of desperation then, she went to her parents who, of course embraced her. When she told her story, I looked at my mom who was with me, and declared, "She had a praying mom!" My spirit confirmed it. I knew it to be true! She is now working with crisis pregnancy center. God...mmmm...working all for good! Redeemer, Restorer, Rescuer...chooses to work through or prayers.

His favor is on His children when we pray.

Even them I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of house shall be called a house of prayer. Isaiah 56:7


Warren Baldwin said...

Very moving post, Kathy. I have put off prayer today so far. I'm going to change that now. Thank you for a great post.

Warren Baldwin said...

Read it again. Another very good reminder.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Great post. Prayer is crucial in our spiritual lives because it touches every part of our lives. We often forget the power of prayer.

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

I need to know more about prayer... not just "do it" more, but really understand its worthiness as it pertains to the life of a believer. It's a practice I heartily embrace, but I want my life to reflect the heart of a woman who's been on her knees. I want to live a prayerful life 24/7... not just in the designated time I give to it, but all throughout the day.

Great post.

