Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Way to Fight to Live Free.

God often speaks to me while I am working out. When I run I often listen to a sermon, but when I squat, lunge and kick along with The Firm, I need my ears free for the prompts... so no iPod on Firm days. After writing my post on Freedom yesterday I have been mindful of the places I experience feelings of fear. If you have visited my blog more than once, you may have seen that I have had serious run-ins with the fear-monster. I know I'm not alone in that and at some level you will probably relate. 

*A thought came: "she never answered my text, is she upset about something? Did I do/say something wrong?" {fear of being rejected or unloveable}

*Another thought: "I totally missed how my friend was feeling yesterday, how she was hurting." {guilt and fear for not being a good friend}

*And another: "if I don't get all of this done, he will be angry." {fear of husband's anger}

The Lord stopped me in the middle of this and made it clear that I need to pay attention to these thoughts and reminded me that I have the power to STOP them! I have all that I need to live free!!!

*If I said something wrong to someone, it is their responsibility to tell me: Matthew 18:15

*If I missed something with my friend:  2 Corinthians 12:9

*If I make my husband angry: James 1:20

Here is the point where I can apprehend the freedom for which Christ Jesus set me free
It is my responsibility to take my thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ: 
2 Corinthians 10:5 

I must recognize my thoughts and  discern the error in them that I may walk in the freedom that Jesus purchased for me! This verse: 2 Corinthians 10:5 says we {must} DEMOLISH arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.

We must not let our thoughts run wild! We need to reel them in! We must corral them!!! From yesterday's post: 

Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

do not let.

We have the choice to let in wrong thinking or to not let in wrong thinking.

How thankful I am to have God's words to guide my thinking, that I may walk in the freedom that He purchased for me!!! 

What do your thoughts look like? {feelings are a good indicator!} Are they true? Do they line up with scripture? Have you ever watched your thoughts?

Dear Lord, I so desperately need your Spirit to reveal to me where I need to renew my mind. My thought are often jumbled up and my emotions can run rampant. Please help me discern the areas that I still allow bondage. Help me take the wrong thoughts captive and live free! Thank you that You have put the power of your Spirit inside of me to do it! Amen.


Unknown said...

Very good thoughts here, Kathy!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

"Whatever is true . . . "

We could stop there with Paul's words, let them soak in, and have them be enough to quell most of our wandering thoughts. If it ain't true, kick it out!

This is a life-long lesson, one that is more readily learned by those who are willing to do the hard work. I'm working on it as well.

