Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Woo Hoo!! I did it!! Thanks Robin for the heads up on the "edit html". I am so slow. Please laugh with me not at me (smile!)

I am very thankful that I was able to go to She Speaks and learn to get the little picture on here. I am still working on some other things like "tags". (Angela, I have tried and hopefully will get it!)

I am thankful that my God is so good and answers prayers.

I am thankful for my church which is growing in having a heart for prayer.

I am thankful for blogworld and all the beautiful Christlike sisters I have met and been encouraged by.

I am thankful I get to meet Heather on Monday, and that she is getting a wonderful Bible Study published in September.

I am thankful for the 24 kids at our VBS tonight, and that I got to pray with a 5th grade boy to recieve the Wonderful Gift of Jesus. I was in awe knowing that our Savior is living in his little heart and will be with him always. Please pray for him as he is from an unchurched/broken home and is just transitioning into living with his dad and going to a new school this fall. Guess what his name is...Christian!! I wonder if his mama knew it was prophetic when she named him!

I am thankful for my beautiful daughter who has given up her summers for the last 5 years to be a missionary and lead little ones/and this summer bigger ones to Jesus.

I am thankful for my son who loves Truth and Righteousness and stands strong in his faith. And for his humor.

I am thankful for my husband and how hard he works. That we can have true fellowship in the Lord and that he has prayed with me recently.

I am thankful for my friend Holly who means the world to me. Who God is doing some amazing things for and for her perseverence, by His grace.

I am thankful for the amazing Promised Land/ the Living Word, my Bible.

Sweet Sweetness. That's all I gotta say!

Coffee and Chocolate

I have been very busy lately, and missing blogworld. I love to be encouraged here and I realize how much strength I have gained by daily fellowship. It seems daily life keeps people too busy to connect on a regular basis in my world. So much to attend to...Home, garden, children and all they are into, extended family, daily "surprises" such as car trouble, or leaking dishwashers...I am very grateful for all of you and your openess and love for Jesus!! Thank you!

I have four days left of my 21 day fast from chocolate and coffee. I thought I would give a little report. My days usually contain coffee in the morning and chocolate at least once (being transparent here). I have sadly discovered just how often I reach out for chocolate.

It seemed in the first week, that I was at a loss many times. I would go to get a meal-bar for lunch; they are covered/dipped in chocolate. On hot days, I would have a craving for a blended icey drink; coffee with chocolate mocha. (Have you tried those Archer Farms mixes from Target? mmmmm) When I was on the road a long time, and wanted something to munch when I was driving; m&m's. Honestly nothing else appealed to me!! Deserts at the wedding or the potluck-nope.

When I went to pick up my mom and take her to a prayer meeting I passed a Starbucks, then a Caribeau, then a Dunn Brothers. I was tempted more than once to cheat, but the Lord has kept me. Even at the wedding we attended, they had little tule wrapped jelly beans at all the place settings...guess what flavor they were? Chocolate, cappuccino, mocha and blueberry. I abstained. To the glory of God.

Conclusion: I have noticed that I feel more free. I feel less attached to my routine and more able to do things that I usually put off. Procrastinating less. Accomplishing more. I realize that sometimes a routine (which I love) can become a hindrance to freedom. I haven't decided how I will break the fast, but I think I will need to fast at least once a week from coffee and chocolate, so I don't become so...dependent on the routine of having them again.

There is so much about fasting that I have learned over the years. The Lord is teaching me more. The times I have fasted have brought the greatest breakthroughs.

If you have not tried it, but want to, Stormie Omartain suggests a 24 hour fast that begins after lunch one day and ends after lunch the next day. It is a little easier that way to break into fasting.
The Daniel Fast is abstaining from everything but veggies and water. Or you can fast, like I did, from something that you love...maybe a little too much.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


I got tagged! Im-a-gonna try to get it going...
By Angela

Here are the rules:
1)Link to the person who tagged you (see above)

2) Post the rules on your blog (this is what you are now reading)

3) Write 6 random things about yourself (see below)

4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them (humm...whom shall I tag)

5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog. (quick go look)

6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.


1. Of my 7 sisters, only one looks like me. She happens to be the only one who lives in my town (we were here first!) and people get us mixed up all the time. Which is fun for me since I am 4 years older than her. (smile)

2.Because of being the oldest in a farm family, the only sports I did when in school were softball in 6th grade because the neighbor was the coach and could drive me...and ski club on Friday nights in 9th grade.

3. I just did my friend's hair this morning for a wedding. And then her two daughters too!

4. My dad nicknamed everyone. He knew me as "Bean" growing up. (rhymes with Kathleen).
I think he forgot my real name. It's all he ever called me. Then when I got married, he would call me Ms. "B".

5. I have a bad habit of showing up at potlucks without a dish. Either I forget or I don't have anything to bring because I remember last minute.

6. When I was a kid, I had a dream to fix up the chicken coop as a little house. It never happened. I have a chicken coop on our farm now that is just used for storage. I once again have a dream of fixing up the chicken coop!

To my few readers...Tag- You're it!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Discernment Needed

Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 2 Timothy 4:2-4

Christianity Today sends out a list of blogs on a regular basis, usually I don't take the time, but one caught my eye the other day. I have been bothered deeply by it. It was a Pastor in California who had been invited to a g*y wedding. He had concluded, based on Jesus' words to the Pharisees, that he should attend the wedding as a loving representative of Jesus Christ. That he would be being a Pharisee if he didn't. Then he opened it up for comments.

My first "red flag of discernment" was to question the Pastor's reasoning, which was that by not attending the wedding, he was being self-righteous (that is what the Jesus was rebuking the Pharisees for). Would that then mean that if you were reaching out to someone who was into the occult and they invited you to a se*nce and you didn't attend, it would be self-righteous? Or if you were reaching out to one who was a thief and they invited you to join "a job" you would be self-righteous to refuse?

Other arguments for going to the wedding were that when those who have sinned before marriage get married we wouldn't stay home from thier wedding. But think about it, when a couple who has crossed the line before marriage gets married, they are getting things right with God, they are coming under His authority. When a g*y couple gets married they are desecrating an institution ordained by God with perversion. It is actually spitting in God's face. (See Romans 1) rebelling against His authority.

When we attend a wedding, we are there as witnesses to give our approval. The Pastor (used to)ask if anyone objects to the couple being married before he pronounced them husband and wife, insinuating that there is great worth in the approval of the witnesses.

And Saul was there, giving approval to his death. Acts 8:1
The above passage shows that even though Paul didn't throw a stone at Stephen, he was, by approval, a part of his murder. With that I conclude that we actively participate in that which we give approval to.

Remembering that weddings are sacred ceremonies estabished by God to represent Him and His Bride and that there is a covenant being made in God's Presence, we dare not take this lightly.

If the Pastor has already established to his g*y friends that he loves them, and then he does not attend their wedding, but keeps loving them afterward, he is showing the true love of God which never negates his justice. When we agree that the law is good we are not being judgemental, we are upholding the perfect law (Romans 3:31). We love His law! (Psalm 119).

I don't know if anyone else has seen it, but it seems alot of Christians are calling other Christians "judgemental" these days if they take a stand on something. Oh God, give us more Light and keep us in Your Truth!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Many Hands Make Light the Work

My precious friend had a skin cancer spot removed from her upper cheekbone a few days ago. That after coming off of a week of camping, and in between, taking her 20 yr old daughter to a hospital where 5 of her frineds were suffering from a car accident. A bad one.

We all know what it is like coming home from camping...Loads of laundry, house tasks, yard in disarray, garden needing weeding...but to go to the accident victims (one of the girls is in a coma, with a broken pelvis and brain damage, another with a broken pelvis and internal bleeding...) and then on to her own surgery-exhausting!

Her recovery is restrictive because the cutting is so deep that they have 2 layers of stitches. She is not sudposed to do any stooping or strain in any way so the blood doesn't go to the incision as it heals. They told her it could take 6 months for it to heal completely inside.

So another friend and I headed over to do her weeding this morning, and help her with K.P.

I want to tell you what a blessing it was for us to be together and conquor her tasks in just a few hours. It would have taken an able-bodied person an entire day to do it all herself. It was such a joy to know that we could love on her that way and have such a good time doing it!

We thought, "wouldn't it be nice if we could just go from house to house and work together more often?" It was fun not work!!!

Would you please pray for my friend, that she will heal and be able to manage her busy life with four children along with her yard and garden during her recovery. Pray for her emotions too as the Dr. has told her she has pre cancerous tissue on other areas of her face (like her nose). Pray for her healing.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Fast

A couple of days ago, as I was pressing in to the Lord, desiring Him to make Himself known more to me, I heard him say that He wanted me to give up chocolate and coffee for 21 days. Well I have heard whispers to fast from time to time and I brush them off whenever I walk over by the coffee pot. Excusing it as being "only me" and not God's voice.

This time I knew that it was the Lord. I felt like arguing at first, certainly a groan crept in. But He reminded me that I had offered myself as a living sacrifice. I am His. So I submitted to His authority.

The temptations weren't over though. That first evening I scooped up a dish of my Schwan's Chocolate Fudge Brownie Yogurt, convincing myself "this isn't chocolate, like chocolate chips or a Hershey bar..." As I was scooping, I heard the Lord say, "Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of stew." I then left the bowl on the counter and went and sat down with my Bible. I said Lord, help me.

Wow, I knew the Lord was telling me that I would be giving up something of eternal value if I allowed the lie and ate that fro-yo. I then went and got the box out of the freezer, and plunked the CHOCOLATE FUDGE BROWNIE yogurt back in it's container. (Notice the title made the contents quite obvious!)

Today is my third day. I know that the things I am seeking the Lord for are near at hand. The last time He called me to fast I had a whole list and He has broken through so many things on that list, some which had been strongholds for a long time.

I realize too that just as I sucked my thumbs as a baby, I overate as a teenager, I smoked in my late teens and early twenties as a hairdresser, now I have the Christian woman's vice: chocolate and coffee. The Lord wants me to be free from those things as vices. You wouldn't believe how many times I have discovered in the past two days, I go for "something". Of course chocolate and coffee are okay in moderation, a blessing to be enjoyed, but when He asks me to yield the blessing, I need to be willing.

I recieved a word from the Lord at the She Speaks confrence...that word was FREEDOM and I believe this is one step He wants me to take to further my freedom from earthly attachments.

He also showed me that when we want Him, it costs us something here. When we want eternity we need to die to the temporary.

Jesus, strengthen me to say no to my flesh and carry the cross you ask me to carry. Thank you! Amen.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

He takes my breath away...

I found a sweet new blog today. Angela @ And while Iwas there I found this sermon: (sorry I don't know how to do the html coding thing so it's here) What an amazing panoramic view of our God the pastor gives here. If you have a chance to listen...It is on 9 names of God. I keep asking Him "Show me your Glory!!" This is an answer to that prayer.

Monday, July 14, 2008


"But they took their stand in the middle of the field. They defended it and struck the Philistines down, and the LORD brought about a great victory." 1 Chr. 11:14


I find I waver sometimes (maybe monthly-if you know what I mean:) I have great faith some days when I pray. I have great faith for others' when I pray for them, but the Lord convicted me of not-so-great faith sometimes when I pray. There are some things that I have prayed about for 19 years and I have not seen an answer to. I look at those unchanged things and tend to get...discouraged...frustrated...restless...

I had a dear passionate-for-prayer friend stop in the shop last weekend and I was lamenting about some "unchanged" things and she kept reinforcing; "God will do it..." "God is going to..."
When she left I was so unsettled. I went to prayer about it, and the Lord showed me that I am not praying with faith for those long awaited things. I had begun "losing heart".

So this morining in my one year Bible, God highlighted the above verse. Then He reminded me of Ephesians 6 ...STAND. and when you have done all to STAND, STAND firm then...

It also reminded me of Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

So the Lord has encouraged me to press on in prayer and faith. If you have been experiencing a little of "losing heart", I have attached a very encouraging link at the end of this article.

May we STAND together and take the ground that the Lord has already promised to us.

Lord, Please help me to walk by faith and not by sight. To not grow weary or lose heart, but to keep my eyes on you and your power and faithfulness. Help me remember that with You all things are possible. Forgive my unbelief. In the precious name of my sweet Savior, Jesus. Amen.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

God is up to Something Good

There seems to be a theme running around our little bloggy world..."a time for increased faith".

Last weekend I recieved a little book in the mail from a very sweet bloggy sister. Beth Moore's "A taste of Believing God". What a wonderful little refresher course for me as the Lord is stretching my faith. It has been a year and a half since I finished the Believing God study. This little booklet is reviving me, and firing me up!

Susie Larson (who is on my sidebar blog list) says that God always calls us to do something that is beyond us, beyond our reach, and we should always be believing God for something to build our faith muscle.

In my previous post, I mentioned taking one step. Many times that is how the enemy keeps us from growing and being effective in our witness or ministry, keeping us from taking that one step.

I was thinking about how God's word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Just little steps. That's all we need to take. And at every one step, HE IS THERE. God told Joshua "I will be with you". That is our encouragement as we take each step of faith. I am glad that we are called to walk by faith and not run. Less likely to trip that way.

In order to walk by faith, we need to have a "vision" of where we are going from the Lord. The vision propels us on as we take the steps ordered by the Lord. Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Prov 29:18 His vision keeps us from walking aimlessly.

I had a "vision" as a mother of seeing my children walking in the truth, loving and relying on God. That vision helped me take the steps daily to see to their needs. It also guided me in deciding what was important and what we could step back from. Of course I made alot of mistakes, but God has been faithful. As they mature,I continue to seek Him for new vision as a mother.

I have been given a "vision" to lead women to Jesus' heart, and encourage them. So the Lord keeps bringing me opportunities to do what I am unable to do without Him. Overcoming the fears that might hinder me, taking training as He leads me. Taking opportunities that He presents.

Going to She Speaks-alone. Traveling-alone. All things that I felt at one time I could never do.
It was a glorious experience to trust Him in all of it. I took the steps He opened for me and my faith has grown.

For more encouragement to stretch your faith, click on "Tea with Tiffany" on my sidebar blog list.

Oh for grace to trust Him more!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A New Creation

The old has gone the new has come... 2 Cor 5:17

Is this the recipe for freedom? Yesterday I was resisting something the Lord wanted me to do because I dont feel like I am "right for the job"and feel like I have botched it in the past. I don't want to experience the battle of fighting my fear. But He keeps pressing my heart.

This is such a weight sometimes. My fears and limitations that seem to crop up so...naturally. Old (natural) nature gone. New (spirit) nature here. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, do not be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. This is a command. DO NOT. Must mean Jesus is able to help me with the 'do not'.

So, everytime I submit myself to those fears and limitations, I am in sin. But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin. Romans 14:23 Seems I have a faith problem.

Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see. Hebrews 11:1

Without faith it is impossible to please God, for anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

It seems the idol I need to smash is me. Self-reliance. Fear comes from looking at my own inabilities and limitations. Fear of failure, fear of rejection or ridicule. I must see myself in the shadow of the Almighty and filled with His Spirit. I must rely on Him for every breath and every word and every step I take. Keep my eyes fixed on Him.

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:24,25

Me dead...Him alive...I walk by faith not by sight. I have died to the old nature I live by the Spirit.

So-practical steps to live free from the old. Trust and obey.
I recall the man who wanted healing for his son so badly, and Jesus said "if you believe..." and the man replied, "I believe, Lord help my unbelief!"

Here is where it's at: I need to ask Jesus for the faith and trust that He will give it to me. Then when He presses something on my heart that He wants me to do that makes me fearful, I will go ahead and allow Him to remove my fears. I must be sure that He will do it through me(what I hope for) and certain that He is faithful to perform what He has promised (certain of what I do not see).

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13

A step of faith. One step puts in motion His freedom. I am able to overcome my fear by faith.

Lord, give me the faith to do your will. In Jesus' name and for your glory. Amen

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Worship God and Idols?

They would not listen, however, but persisted in their former practices. Even while these people were worshiping the LORD, they were serving their idols. 2 Kings 17:40,41a

Have you ever wondered how? why? When we read they served the Lord but did not remove the high could they be worshiping God and those other things?

As I pondered this, It occured to me that our "high places" are worldly or religious practices. Have you noticed some things that "blend" Christianity with Eastern mystical practices? Like "Christian Yoga" (yoga is a hindu practice). Or how about a local Lutheran church that advertises their "labyrinth" (a maze-like path where as you walk and chant a word over and over as you move toward the center you are sudposed to be able to connect with God more). Or how about "contemplative prayer". A "system" of meeting God by repeating a phrase over and over in order to "center" on Him. (another eastern mystical practice).

Other "high places" might be as simple as making success in business an idol (something you rely on) Or having a large home, or being popular. Having great vacations to boast about. A great body, a wonderful wardrobe, etc. Or what about movies that have garbage in them? Or books, music...Why do we do the things we do? I must search my heart with Jesus.

In the third year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, Hezekiah son of Ahaz king of Judah began to reign. He was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem twenty-nine years. His mother's name was Abijah daughter of Zechariah. He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, just as his father David had done. He removed the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. He broke into pieces the bronze snake Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had been burning incense to it. 2 Kings 18:1-4

What a refreshment God gave in sending Hezekiah as their leader. Quite amazing how much influence one leader has. I love how his mother's name is listed. I imaging she had much influence on Hezekiah's life. Perhaps that is one reason she is mentioned!

Look what he did: Removed the high places. Smashed the sacred stones. Cut down the Ashera poles. Broke to pieces the bronze snake. In conclusion, he destroyed everything that hindered pure worship of the Lord.

The same is true for us. We need to destroy ties to things that take our affection off of the Lord. We need to sever our ties to things that pollute our lives. We need to weed out areas where we compromise.

By prayer, by "sword fighting" with the Word of God, by submitting, by obedience.

How refreshing to have leaders who walk in purity and holiness. I want to be a leader who walks in purity and holiness.

Lord, make me pure and holy as a leader of my family, and anyone else you give me influence over. Help me be self-controlled and alert. To be on guard against the enemy and his wicked schemes. Keep me close. Cleanse my heart. Purify my mind. Show me any areas that are displeasing to you and lead me in the way everlasting. Amen
